Croeso i Dosbarth Blodwen

 Year 2 with Miss Griffiths and  Miss Milburn

In Year 2 we work hard to become confident and independent learners. We use ICT regularly and during the school day often use Purple Mash and Seesaw to document our learning and complete challenges independently.

These websites can be accessed at both home and school. If you need your child’s log in details for either of these websites let us know and we can send a copy home.

We find Seesaw is the easiest platform to contact us if you have any queries. We check this regularly throughout the school day. Please remember to Seesaw regularly as we often put important messages and updates on there. 

Alternatively, you can email us at

We will do our best to respond to any questions or queries you have within school hours (8:30am – 4:15pm).